Hi friends, I am a bit confused with the use of citation/bibliographies in MkIV. Maybe someone can help me? Say, I have a bib-file containing entries like ... @BOOK{mb:Wassermann1990, title = {Alternativkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch}, year = {1990 (Bd. 1), 1986 (Bd. 3)}, editor = {Wassermann, Rudolph}, % address = {Neuwied}, howcited = {\emph{Bearbeiter}, in: Wassermann, AK-StGB}, juratitle = {AK-StGB}, owner = {mascha}, timestamp = {2006.10.02} } In the typeset document I need an entry like this: \emph{Amelung} in Wassermann, Alternativkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, §\,94, Rn. 4. In a Latex document I saw the usage like this: \cite[Amelung][§\,94, Rn. 4]{mb:Wassermann1990} Who do I do it in ConTeXt MkIV?? Any help very welcome!! Thank you, Steffen