On Tue, 17 Jul 2012, Pavneet Arora wrote:
Hello all,
I am here at TUG 2012 updating the presentation that I am to give in the morning.
I have had a couple of lingering questions regarding simpleslides that I thought I would put out there. They are not show stoppers, and I have lived with them in my other presentations. It is just that with my brain on TeX (and ConTeXt) for the past few days, I thought that I would try to resolve them once and for all.
1. Fonts
I would like to specify separate mainfont and bodyfont using the simplefonts module (or some other consistent mechanism).
I have read the thread from:
and have tried to split up Wolfgang's suggestion into the two parts. I have tried:
\usemodule[simplefonts][size=18pt] \setmainfont[grandesignneueserif]
With simplefonts, you do not need \setupbodyfont! The following example works fine on my old installation (2012.06.08) \usemodule[simpleslides][style=Shaded] \usemodule[simplefonts][size=\NormalSize] \setmainfont[DejaVu Serif] \setupTitle [title={Presentation Title}, author={Author}, date={Date / Occasion}] \starttext \placeTitle \SlideTitle{Test Slide} \input knuth \stoptext Aditya