Hello, Using \setuppublications [alternative=num] for example, should not append letters to the publication years when encountering multiple publications by the same author(s) per year. So, in the use of bibliographies, I have not understood how to control \maybeyear. In the bibl-xxx.tex files, it is defined as \def\maybeyear#1{#1} or \def\maybeyear#1{} as needed. Perhaps this is for mkii. In bibl-bib.mkiv, one has \appendtoks \doifelse{\bibtexpublicationsparameter\c!maybeyear}\v!off {\let\maybeyear\gobbleoneargument} {\let\maybeyear\firstofoneargument}% \to \everysetupbibtexlistplacement which seems to then use the keyword maybeyear. I guess that \setupbibtexpublications [maybeyear=off] in my source would turn off the appended letters, but this is not correct. I have tried many variants (\setuppublications, \setupbibtex). What am I misunderstanding? Or is this a bug? Alan