On Jun 11, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Some of the difficulties that I faced with simple documents was:
1. What is the xml equivalent of || 2. What is the xml equivalent of ~ ( ??) 3. What is the xml equivalent of
\abbreviation {EECS} {Electrical Engineering and Computer Science} and then \EECS\ and \infull{EECS}.
Hi Aditya, I've just begun experimenting with xlm (because, as Duncan has pointed out, I'm sure that every line I write is for eternity...). Anyway, what I say here may be totally wrong, but here's how I treat this stuff: 1. For || or |-|, I have defined an entity in my DTD: <!ENTITY conthyph "-"> In my environment for processing the xml files, I have \defineXMLentity[conthyph]{|-|} so I can write context&conthyph;specific and get the output I expect. 2. Yes, I use with these definitions: <!ENTITY nbsp " "> \defineXMLentity[nbsp]{~} 3. Abbreviations: does xtag-ent.tex do what you want? Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it does appear to work for me. All best Thomas