Am 20.04.10 23:01, schrieb Michael Ewe:
1 The frames in the chapter both headings are much bigger than in the normal text.
The chapter insert it's own strut in the number and the text and changing/disabling the strut in the header command is useless here (it's a bug but i'll report this in another mail)
2 The gap between the chapter number and the chapter name is different for chapter 1 (on page 1) and chapter 2 (on page 2). The word "test" is not aligned
Setting a font for style is not the same as setting it to textstyle and numberstyle.
3 The value of "strut" has no effect at all.
strut in \setuphead accepts only yes and no, in \framed you can use the values yes, no, global and local, dimensions are no legal argument. Since you haven't shown what dou want to achieve i can only guess but maybe this setup is what you want: \definefont[FontA][Sans at 36pt] \defineframed[chapterframe][offset=0pt,strut=local] \definehead[ChapterA][chapter] \setuphead [ChapterA] [deeptextcommand=\chapterframe, deepnumbercommand=\chapterframe, distance=0pt, style=FontA] \starttext \ChapterA{Test} \stoptext Wolfgang