Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Just curious (you do not need to consider my question at all): is there any reason for not printing the day next to month and year as well (only if present of course)? Or maybe that's against the rules of other publication layout? Maybe possible to make it configurable?
You would have to ask Oren Patashnik, but at a guess this is likely because when bibtex was written there were no weekly (let alone daily) journals, and the internet was not in wide use yet.
It may be sensible to have some reference about which fields are sensible for what type of publication also among the ConTeXt manuals. Well, for mkii I was aiming for the same fields as for bibtex, (plus/minus the [art]author/[art]title differences). It just so happens that I missed 'month' and perhaps others as well.
The output in mkiv is still weird though. Also, try the following
I know. The problem is that I have not had time yet to look at the mkiv code at all so I have very little idea of how it works (Hans converted mkii into mkiv). Best wishes, Taco