The following code: \usemodule[tikz] \starttext \starttikzpicture[remember picture,overlay] \node [xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm] at (current page.south west) [text width=7cm,fill=red!20,rounded corners,above right] { This is an absolutely positioned text in the lower left corner. No shipout-hackery is used. }; \stoptikzpicture \stoptext gives a blank page with a red box in the lower left corner. At least this is how it works in current TeXLive. When compiling, a temporary .pgf file is created with the following contents: \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid1}{4661756}{46204089} When compiling with the current beta this doesn't work. If the .pgf file is already present, one gets: tex error > tex error on line 1 in file mwe.pgf: ! Undefined control sequence l.1 \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid1}{4661756}{46204089} 1 >> \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid1}{4661756}{46204089} When one removes the .pgf file, the compilation succeeds (with empty .pgf file), but in the PDF there is no red box, and the text is not in the lower left corner (although text is wrapped as if it were in a box). When compiling one gets the warning: Package pgf: Warning! Your graphic driver pgfsys-dvips.def does not support marking the current position. This warning is given only once. Non-PDF special ignored! Non-PDF special ignored! ... Is this a bug or maybe absolute positioning is done differently? Best regards Michal Golinski