Hello, I'm facing two problems. The first one has to do with the fact that if I use \color[darkblue]{\chapter{Capitulo 1}} the line with \setuphead[chapter][header=empty] seems to be ignored because the chapter page gets the header too. I'v attached an example in the file "capitulo-cores.tex". The second problem has to do with the fact that in the attached file "footnote-posicao.tex" I changed the layout of the page, so that I could have a bigger right margin. The problem is that I would like to have the page number centered on "the page" and note on the new dimensions of the text area (don't know if I' been clear but I think you will understand if you look at the attached file). In fact I have a third problem that is the fact that the page number is repeated. I don't want to remove the line \setupfootertexts[][\setups{t_footer}] because I want the footer in 10pt. Thank you! Miguel Queirós ----------------------------------------------------------- \setupcolors[state=start] \setuphead[chapter][header=empty] \setupheadertexts[][chapter] \starttext \completecontent \color[darkblue]{\chapter{Capitulo 1}} % \chapter{\color[darkblue]{Capitulo 1}} \page Nada. \chapter{Capitulo 2} \page Nada. \chapter{Capitulo 3} \page Nada. \stoptext -----------------------------------------------------------