At 20:49 01/01/2004, you wrote:
1. I want to mark some words consistently and used the \definesynonyms command for this, although I only use the second form.
\definesynonyms[glossar][explanation][\infull] \glossar [ZOPE] {\em Zope} {Web Applikationsserver}
Is there a better way to style words consistently? I find it difficult to distinguish between \ZOPE\ and \ZOPE, especially for the possible later translation from XML.
you can try: {\ZOPE} for both, so between {\ZOPE} and {\ZOPE}, technically a lookahead for space is possible but there are border cases ... in XML, when you use between <meaning label="ZOPE"/> and <meaning label="ZOPE"/>, with: \defineXMLsingular [meaning] [label=] {\infull{\XMLop{label}}} there is no space problem (the \ is needed to prevent eating up the space, which is a result from the way tex parses \COMMANDS.
2. In the example there is an indirection for the section definitions.
\definehead [Topic] [chapter] \definehead [Nopic] [title]
Later on the newly defined headers are styled. But they are used as the only headers throughout the document. So why not style the original ones?
hm, a matter of taste, a topic is not a chapter; imagine a quality assurance manual: \Procedure \WorkInstruction \Process is then more meaningfull than chapter section subsection (also, the indirectness enables you to reassign levels)
3. I have defined colored header bars in the following ways.
\setuphead [subject, Subject,section] [command=\mysec, page=no, continue=no, style={\ss\bs}, color=black]
\def\mysec#1#2{\framed[width=\textwidth, corner=round, radius=0.05em, background=color, backgroundcolor=HKS5, framecolor=HKS5]{\startnarrower[1*left,1*right] #2 \hfill #1 \stopnarrower}}
They are spanning the complete textwidth. What I now want is to have a smaller textwidth, but the bars should remain broader, as broad as the header and footer lines. Any hints?
I don't understand what you want, maybe: \def\mysec#1#2% {\framed [width=\textwidth, corner=round, radius=0.05em, background=color, backgroundcolor=HKS5, align=normal, strut=no, framecolor=HKS5] {\setuptabulate[before=,after=] \starttabulate[|p(5cm)|r|]\NC#2\NC#1\NC\NR\stoptabulate}} or \def\mysec#1#2% {\bTABLE \bTR \bTD #2 \eTD \bTD #1 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE}
4. How to deal with metadata, like author, version, last modified and so. Would you recommend to use buffers for this? This information is probably used on the title page and the footer of each page.
\setvariables [category] [something=whatever] and then \getvariable{category}{something}
Ok, now a real question. I want to style the actual requirements in form of a papercard, whith their actual status at the top. This would be an new definition with 2 or 3 arguments. But the requirements should also be enumerated. How can one build such an environment? Derive somehow from \defineenumeration?
--------------------------------------------------------------- |ReqNbr | Title | status | date| --------------------------------------------------------------- | longer text .... with paragraphs and pagebreaks | ---------------------------------------------------------------
Sorry for the ascii-art (cough :-). These cards should be able to span more than one page. In the light of this a table with running heads would also be an option, right?
Thanks for this great package, it is a lot of fun and full of gems.
something \long\def\StartMyCard#1#2#3#4#5\StopMyCard {\bTABLE \bTR \bTD #1 \eTD \bTD #2 \eTD \bTD #3 \eTD \bTD #4 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nc=4] #5 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \StartMyCard{Req}{Title}{status}{date} text .... \StopMyCard or: \long\def\StartMyCard[#1]#2\StopMyCard {\getvariables[card][nr=,title=,status=,date=,#2] \bTABLE \bTR \bTD \getvariable{card}{nr} \eTD .... \eTR \bTR \bTD[nc=4] #2 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \StartMyCard[nr=10,title=whatever] some text \StopMyCard etc etc Hans