Dear List, i have this example: \setupbodyfont[modern,10pt] \definemargindata [MyInMargin][inright] \definemarginframed[MyInMargin][topframe=on,bottomframe=on,rulethickness=1pt,width=1cm] \defineenumeration [theorem] [ text=Theorem, title=yes, width=fit, distance=0.5em, alternative=serried, ] \margintext{\blackrule[color=black, height=0.25ex, width=1cm]\\}\blackrule[color=black, height=0.25ex, width=15cm] \starttext \margintext {1.1.1} \startparagraph It was essential for Hasselt to have a bridge across the Zwarte Water river. The bishop of Utrecht gave Hasselt his consent in 1486. \blank Other cities in the neighbourhood of Hasselt were afraid of the toll money to be paid when crossing this bridge so they prevented the construction for many years. \stopparagraph \stoptext The paragraph should have a color in the background. How can I get an colored paragraph? Many thanks Uschi