Am 04.02.2015 um 22:06 schrieb Mojca Miklavec
: Hello,
I need a tiny bit of help with properly setting up the appendices.
1.) I would like to include both chapters and titles. Is this the proper way to go? (It took me a while to figure out how to include the titles at all.)
\setuphead [title] [incrementnumber=list] \placelist [title,chapter,section] [criterium=all,alternative=c]
But why is there less space in front of a \title{...} in TOC than in front of a \chapter{…}?
You can use the “margin” key to indent the title entries but unnumbered chapter are still wrong aligned.
2.) How can I define a different width for appendices in TOC (to reserve enough space for the word "Appendix")?
I use
\setuplist [section] [width=10mm,numberstyle=\os\bf,pagestyle=\os,label=yes]
but I would like to use "width=27mm" for sections inside \startappendices ... \stopappendices than for regular sections. Is there any workaround?
Use the “numbercommand” key to measure the width of the number and apply different widths for narrow and wide entries.
3.) For appendices I want to set
\setuphead [chapter] [number=no] \setuphead [section] [page=yes,sectionsegments=section,conversion=Character,sectionstopper=:]
without affecting regular sections and chapters.
Is it possible to do this on top of the document (or in the layout) as opposed to changing the settings just before appendices start? I would like to avoid messing up with such settings in the middle of the document.
Use \startsectionblockenvironment to set the setups at the begin of the document.
I tried to play with \defineconversionset and \setupsectionblock [appendix] [sectionconversionset=...] but I'm unable to understand how these commands work exactly.
Take a look at the example below how this can be achieved. %%%% begin example \def\sc{\addff{smallcaps}} \def\os{\addff{oldstyle}} \setuplabeltext [appendix=Appendix~] \setuphead [title] [incrementnumber=list,page=yes] \setuphead [chapter] [page=no,numberstyle=\os] \setuphead [section] [style=\bfb,numberstyle=\os,appendixlabel=appendix] \setuplist [title,chapter] [width=10mm,textstyle=\sc\bfb,numberstyle=\os\bfb,pagestyle=\os,aligntitle=no] \setuplist [title] [margin=10mm] \define[1]\SectionlistNumber {\dowithnextbox {\ifdim\nextboxwd<10mm \simplealignedbox{10mm}{flushleft}{\flushnextbox}% \else \simplealignedbox{27mm}{flushleft}{\flushnextbox}% \fi} \hbox{#1}} \setuplist [section] [width=0pt,numberstyle=\os\bf,pagestyle=\os,label=yes,numbercommand=\SectionlistNumber] % The \defineconversionset command allows you to define % different conversion for each sectionblock in your % document by adding the name of the sectionblock in % front of the name of the conversion set. \defineconversionset [bodypart:sectioncounter] [n,n,n] [n] \defineconversionset [appendix:sectioncounter] [n,n,A] [n] \setuphead[chapter,section][sectionconversionset=sectioncounter] % With the sectionblock environment you can list setups % which are applied at the begin of the specified block % in your document, e.g. the following setups are used % after \startappendices: \startsectionblockenvironment[appendix] \setuphead [chapter] [number=no] \setuphead [section] [page=yes, sectionsegments=section, sectionstopper=:] \stopsectionblockenvironment \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext \startfrontmatter \title{Contents} \placelist[title,chapter,section][criterium=all,alternative=c] Why is there less space in front of a title in TOC than in front of a chapter? How to define a different width for appendices (to reserve enough space for the word "Appendix")? \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{First Chapter} \section{First Section} \chapter{Second Chapter} \section{Second Section} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \chapter{Appendices} \section{First Appendix} \input tufte \section{Second Appendix} \input zapf \title{Why is there less space in toc?} \stopappendices \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang