Idris S Hamid wrote:
The aleph list may be able to serve as an appropriate place for many questions related to multidirectional or multilingual typesetting under ConTeXt, if it seems that the regular ConTeXt list is getting clogged. Put another way, these two lists will probably suffice. For example, some of u mentioned a possible CJK module for e-Omega; details of that might seem appropriate for the aleph list. As Arabic, Hebrew, and CJK modules are built for ConTeXt the aleph list may come in handy to share and/or consolidate ideas, with a view to helping the future multilingual development of ConTeXt remain consistent.
I agree that there should be another list for e-Omega (Aleph) where we can discuss implementing multilingual code for ConTeXt, because I think it's a bit off-topic for the regular ConTeXt list. But on the other hand, I also support Hong Feng when he wants to create a mailing list just for the developers of the CJK package. Or maybe just a temporary list, just for organizational reasons. Also a reason is that it's not already sure if e-Omega is the best option for this (although after using Giuseppe's latest e-Omega version, I think it is the best option) and that the creation of the CJK module will need discussions that have nothing to do with e-Omega, like implementing CJK chapter headings, East Asian line breaking and numbering systems. Although some of these are ConTeXt related problems, it's a bit off-topic for the general ConTeXt list, but also off-topic for the e-Omega list. (Of course, when the developers of the CJK module decide to use e-Omega to implement their outcome of the discussions, they can use the e-Omega list) Anyway, these are my thoughts about it, and it's getting past my bedtime. I'm sure that someone can persuade me to think otherwise! :-) Sleep well, Tim