On Fri, 28 Apr 2023, Floris van Manen via ntg-context wrote:
On 28/04/2023 16:25, Aditya Mahajan via ntg-context wrote:
These are already part of the distribution. Just one caveat: you need to use
\usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots]
when running the example from contextgarden: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Pgfplot
\setupcolors[state=start] \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfplots] \starttext \starttikzpicture \startaxis[ xmin=0,xmax=300, title=http://cryogenics.nist.gov/, xlabel=$T$ (K), ylabel=$(L-L_{293})/L_{293}$, legend style={at={(0.95,0.05)},anchor=south east}, width=16cm ] \addplot[mark=none,color=red] plot file {sapphire.dat}; \addlegendentry{sapphire} \addplot[mark=none,color=green] plot file {Be.dat}; \addlegendentry{Be} \addplot[mark=none,color=blue] plot file {BeCu.dat}; \addlegendentry{BeCu} \addplot[mark=none,color=cyan] plot file {SS304.dat}; \addlegendentry{SS304} \addplot[mark=none,color=magenta] plot file {Al6061-T6.dat}; \addlegendentry{Al6061-T6} \addplot[mark=none,color=orange] plot file {nylon.dat}; \addlegendentry{nylon} \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stoptext
Is it possible to create a standalone test that does not depend on a bunch of datafiles that need to be downloaded? Thanks, Aditya