The following file used to give me numbered titles (and still gives numbered titles in TeXLive): \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, page=yes, % number=yes ] \setuphead[chapter][ page=yes, % number=yes ] \starttext \startpart[title={Part one}] \startchapter[title={Fancy chapter name}] \startsection[title={A very very very long section title}, list={Shortened somewhat}] \input knuth \stopsection \stopchapter \stoppart \startbackmatter \startchapter[title={Contents}] \placecontent[criterium=all] \stopchapter \stopbackmatter \stoptext In the current beta, they are unnumbered. Has the syntax changed? Besides, according to wiki, "number=yes" should force a numbered title, while uncommenting these lines in fact suppresses the number in TeXLive (and does not help in beta). Is this a bug/work in progress or am I doing something wrong here? Regards Michał