11 Nov
11 Nov
9:10 p.m.
Hi, I cannot make \beginBLOCKS and \endBLOCKS work in a \dorecurse loop. Is it possible? Here is a minimum non working exemple (from https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/defineblock): %% \startdocument \defineblock[question] \hideblocks[question] % We don't want to print blocks where we define them \dorecurse{2}{ \beginquestion[first] To be, or not to be? \endquestion \section{Let's see what blocks we've got.} \useblocks[question] \section{We've seen what blocks we've got. Let's take another look at that first question.} \useblocks[question][first] \beginquestion[last] Mais o\`u sont les neiges d'antan? \endquestion } \stopdocument %% Thank you in advance. Best. -- Romain Diss