Hi all, I noticed the difference in behaviour of textcommand which depends on the location: for top, bottom and page the \crlf (see MWE) is applied while for the left and right not even if other values (\red, any-text) are used as expecterd. How could I activate the textcommand=\crlf for location=right? (The line break appears only the width of the figure becomes too small.) Tested with TL2019 and with version from Mar 6, 2020. Best wishes, Tomáš %% MWE: \starttext \setupcaption[figure][textcommand=\crlf] \startplacefigure[location=top,title=Cow] \externalfigure[cow.jpg][height=4cm] \stopplacefigure \input knuth \setupcaption[figure][textcommand=\crlf] \startplacefigure[location=right,title=Cow] \externalfigure[cow.jpg][height=4cm] \stopplacefigure \input knuth \stoptext