Am 13.02.2025 um 10:58 schrieb Thomas Meyer:
Hi folks,
once again I have a problem - I'm sure it's not one for you experts! I've set up a diary that basically looks like this:
\definebodyfontenvironment[12pt][interlinespace=15pt] \setuppagenumbering[location={footer,middle}, alternative=onesided]
onesided isn't a valid keyword for the alternative key, only singlesided and doublesided can be used.
\setuplayout[ lines=44, grid=yes, ]
\startluacode function userdata.Ddate(str) local year = string.sub(str,1,4) local month = string.sub(str,5,6) local day = string.sub(str,7,8) context.date({d=day,m=month,y=year},{"weekday,{, },day, {. },month,space,year"}) end \stopluacode
\def\DDate#1{\blank\noindentation{\bf\ss\ctxlua{userdata.Ddate("#1")}}\\ }
You can use \testpage to force a page break when not enough space is available for the following content. \starttexdefinition protected DDate #1 \blank \testpage[3] \noindentation\style[sansbold]{\ctxlua{userdata.Ddate("#1")}} \par \stoptexdefinition Wolfgang