Hi again, The output shows a closing red opening quotation mark, which is the opposite of what I'd like to achieve. Using \quotation won't work in my situation because the text mixes and matches numerous types of quotation marks and the user is writing in Markdown. Matching against “ would work for most cases; however, the quotation marks could include: " -- straight quote “ -- opening curly double quote ‘ -- opening curly single quote (or apostrophe) « -- opening double quote (French, Spanish, etc.) ‹ -- opening single quote 「 -- opening Japanese quote % SOT \protected\def\typo_initial_handle_indeed#1#2% {\dontleavehmode \begingroup \cdef\currentinitial{#1}% \setupcurrentinitial[#2]% \resetfontfeature % might be needed in more places \ifempty{\initialparameter\c!style}% \definedfont[\initialparameter\c!font]% \else \useinitialstyleparameter\c!style \fi \ifempty{\initialparameter\c!color}% \c_attr_color \attributeunsetvalue \c_attr_transparency\attributeunsetvalue \else \useinitialcolorparameter\c!color \fi} \starttext \setupbodyfont[dejavu,9pt] \defineinitial[two][m=1,method=auto] \setupquotation[symcolor=red] \setinitial[two] Knuth :\ignorespaces\input knuth \par \setinitial[two] \symbol[leftquotation]Knuth\symbol[rightquotation] :\ignorespaces\input knuth \par \stoptext % EOT This produces: https://i.ibb.co/P5hDLH5/opening-quote.png What I'm looking to produce is: https://i.ibb.co/6PPGxxY/opening-quote-small.png Using \quotation instead of \symbol[leftquotation] or “ produces a red closing quote: https://i.ibb.co/VY1wqZ1/closing-quote-red.png Any other ideas? Thank you!