Hello ConTeXist, Is it possible go through all the keys of \setvariables (getvariable) macro and create the appropriate macros, as in the case of \getparameters macro? I mean macro like \getallvariablesfrom[myfirstnamespace], which return contents of brackets macro \setvariables[myfirstnamespace] (it mean list of all assignments key=value ...) In addition, you can assign all the variables one namespace to another namespace (or to create a loop which all variables passed and placed into the other namespace.)? Thanx Jaroslav Hajtmar Here is my inspiration of example : \setvariables[myfirstnamespace][id=1, value={text}] \starttext % \getparameters[myfirstnamespace][\getallvariablesfrom[myfirstnamespace]] % Now would be defined macros \myfirstnamespaceid (1) and \myfirstnamespacevalue (text) % Assign all the variables of [myfirstnamespace] namespace to [myotherspace] namespace? %\setvariable[myotherspace][\getallvariablesfrom[myfirstnamespace]] \stoptext