Hello everyone, I just started to experiment with ConTeXt. I have a few issues with my first document structure. I need a very particular numbering scheme, which I have tried to implement. I have appended the document below. 1. Why is there no indenting in the TOC starting with (what I call) level 7? This could have to something with the fact that the levels starting from 7 are defined in the subsub module? 2. Why are the numbers in the headings inside the main text not printed for levels 8 and 9? Interestingly, they *are* printed for level 7, which is defined in the subsub module. I have looked into m-subsub.mkiv and saw no difference at all between the different levels defined there. 3. Is it possible to indent not only the section name but also the number in the TOC? Moreover, I would like to have a dot after the first three levels, but not the other ones (in the TOC and in the text), like this: A. First Level .................. 1 I. Second Level ............. 2 1. Third Level .......... 3 a) Fourth Level ..... 4 ... 4. I use the conversions A, I, 1 (without dot), and then defined my own ones "a)", "aa)", etc. *with* the ")". I think this is correct, since the way a section has to be referenced in the text is like this (for example): B.IV.5.c).aa).(4) Is there a way to get this? Moreover, is it possible to have a relative referencing command, for example, if section B.IV.5.d) is quoted from inside section B.IV.6.f) the command should only print 5.d) since the B.IV is implied. 5. How can I get rid of the additional vertical space before the second entry "B. Another first level" (chapter)? 6. I wanted to define aliases for the \subsub...subsection commands, since they are difficult to read, and I used \def as you can see below. Is this the right way to do it or would you recommend something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated. D. ---------- \usemodule[subsub] \usetypescript[termes] \setupbodyfont[termes,12pt] \def\arconv#1{\alphabeticnumerals{#1})} \defineconversion[ar][\arconv] \def\aarconv#1{\alphabeticnumerals{#1}\alphabeticnumerals{#1})} \defineconversion[aar][\aarconv] \def\lnrconv#1{(\numbers{#1})} \defineconversion[lnr][\lnrconv] \def\larconv#1{(\alphabeticnumerals{#1})} \defineconversion[lar][\larconv] \def\laarconv#1{(\alphabeticnumerals{#1}\alphabeticnumerals{#1})} \defineconversion[laar][\laarconv] \def\alpharconv#1{\greeknumerals{#1})} \defineconversion[alphar][\alpharconv] \definestructureconversionset[myconvset][,A,I,n,ar,aar,lnr,lar,laar,alphar] \setupheads[part, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsubsubsection][sectionconversionset=myconvset] \setuphead[chapter][sectionsegments=chapter] \setuphead[section][sectionsegments=section] \setuphead[subsection][sectionsegments=subsection] \setuphead[subsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsection] \setuphead[subsubsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsubsection] \setuphead[subsubsubsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsubsubsection] \setuphead[subsubsubsubsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsubsubsubsection] \setuphead[subsubsubsubsubsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsubsubsubsubsection] \setuphead[subsubsubsubsubsubsubsection][sectionsegments=subsubsubsubsubsubsubsection] \def\startA{\startchapter} \def\stopA{\stopchapter} \def\startI{\startsection} \def\stopI{\stopsection} \def\startS{\startsubsection} \def\stopS{\stopsubsection} \def\startSS{\startsubsubsection} \def\stopSS{\stopsubsubsection} \def\startSSS{\startsubsubsubsection} \def\stopSSS{\stopsubsubsubsection} \def\startX{\startsubsubsubsubsection} \def\stopX{\stopsubsubsubsubsection} \def\startXX{\startsubsubsubsubsubsection} \def\stopXX{\stopsubsubsubsubsubsection} \def\startXXX{\startsubsubsubsubsubsubsection} \def\stopXXX{\stopsubsubsubsubsubsubsection} \def\startXXXX{\startsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsection} \def\stopXXXX{\stopsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsection} \setupcombinedlist[content][list={chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsubsubsubsection},alternative=c] \starttext \placecontent \startA[title={First level}] \startI[title={Second level}] \startS[title={Third level}] \startSS[title={Fourth level}] \startSSS[title={Fifth level}] \startX[title={Sixth level}] \startXX[title={Seventh level}] \startXXX[title={Eighth level}] \startXXXX[title={Ninth level}] \stopXXXX \stopXXX \stopXX \stopX \stopSSS \stopSS \stopS \stopI \stopA \startA[title={Another first level}] \stopA \stoptext