Hi all, tl;dr: by which name to refer to a font. I was about to recommend (tomorrow; context: an introductory LaTeX course) *the* way of referring to a font by its name. As we all know, the same font (as in file) usually comes with a variety of possible denominations. “otfinfo -i” on a *file name* results in a list of *full name*, *Postscript name*, *unique id*, etc., which all might have some valid purpose. I have come across answers to assignments that made me wonder “How on earth did E get that to work on Eir system?”. There’s some background info [1] on the Fontforge pages but it doesn’t really answer my question: Which identifier is least likely to break things and at the same time most portable between both frontends (Fontspec, Simplefonts, typescripts) and platforms (Win/Linux/Mac)? For some time now I myself settled for the Postscript name as it never caused problems in typescripts and it’s got no spaces. The filename might be the most explicit one, but oftentimes contains spaces which I *always* replace with underscores prior to installing a font; also case insensitive filesystems might cause trouble. Also, some fonts have weird file naming schemes (e.g. CMU and the Paratype fonts), so extra comments may be required to support legibility of the resulting code. The typescripts that come with Context use both (“name:” and “file:”) but I have no clue why exactly which method was chosen over the other in what case. The fontspec documentation (and the Simplefonts module and our course so far) conforms to the WYSIWYG tradition of purportedly more human-readable, spaced identifiers, e.g. “TeX Gyre Bonum Bold”. (Cf. [1]: “FullName is designed to be read by humans”.) So I judged that my preferred choice might not be as good as I think. I got cold feet and am about to remove the slide where I recommend the PS name (I can do that later anyways). Is there -- apart from personal opinions -- some valid reason to prefer one name over the other *in general*? Thanks for any advice and opinions. Philipp [1] http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/fontinfo.html#Names