3 Dec
3 Dec
9:52 p.m.
On 12/3/20 8:48 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] 3. Packed works fine with fractions, but packed columns is wrong with them. It adds too much space.
After clearing the issue with text, it seems that fractions add to much space when in list with columns. \showframe\showgrid \starttext list: \startitemize[packed, columns, four] \item $\text{1} - \text{2}$ \item item \item $\frac{1}{2}$ \item item \stopitemize list: \startitemize[columns, four] \item $\text{1} - \text{2}$ \item item \item $\frac{1}{2}$ \item item \stopitemize \stoptext I don’t know whether this is a bug. Many thanks f or your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk