Le Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:23:03 -0500, Aditya Mahajan a écrit :
On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, olivier Turlier wrote:
PS : I try to "frenchise" your well documented & nice homework assignment seen at http://dw.tug.org/pracjourn/2006-4/mahajan/
If you just want the "Problem" and "Solution" to come out in french, you can just change
\setuplabeltext[problem=Problem,solution=Solution ] \setuplabeltext[point=point,points=points]
If you want to change the interface \assignment, \startproblem and \startsolution to french, let me know the french words for them, and I will try to re-implement the environment in a multi-lingual way, and maybe release it as a module.
Thanks for the hint. I'll put on the same website (http://profteb.free.fr/) results of changements of your source, plus prior attempts in homework assignment/ examination test, when it'll be done. By the way, have you tried to make "online" tests (sendable by a click) with random order of questions (avoid "copying" pbs thru neighboors). It's involving javascript (answering in editable fields + feedback + collecting answers when sending, etc. ) and I never succeed in ! Merry Christmas -- Olivier TURLIER CRP La Rouguière 101 Bd des Libérateurs 13367 MARSEILLE CEDEX 11 tel : (33) 04 91 18 56 00