Hi, the metafun function positionwidth doesn't seems to be available, so I triy to use wdpart positionwhd. But in the MVE, the green point is not at the expected position (on the right border of the frame). %%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupheadertexts[] \setuppapersize[A8,landscape] \setupbodyfont[40pt] \startuseMPgraphic{MPMyPage} StartPage ; draw positionbox("locA") withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor transparent(1,0.5,blue); pair ThePoint; ThePoint := positionxy("locA"); draw ThePoint withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor red ; draw ThePoint shifted (wdpart positionwhd("locA"),0) withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor green ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [OLMyPage] [\useMPgraphic{MPMyPage}] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={foreground,OLMyPage}] \starttext A \framed [region=locA, offset=overlay, frame=off] {\TeX}. \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%