James Withers schrieb am 22.07.2020 um 21:20:
Dear list
I have a document with section headings which include a title, date and reference spread over two lines with different font style and justification, plus a slightly different text for the table of contents.
So that I can alter the styling of the section headings without having to recode each \startsection command, I have used variables and a macro command for the style.
This works for section 'title' and 'marking', but not for the 'list' attribute.
The title argument works only because it is placed in the text but it won't work when you try to show the argument in the ToC like the list argument.
The minimal working example below shows what I'm trying to do.
Best wishes and many thanks in advance.
\define\mytitle{\getvariable{myvar}{title}\crlf{\tfx\getvariable{myvar}{date}\hfill\getvariable{myvar}{ref}}} \define\mylist{\getvariable{myvar}{list}---{\bf \getvariable{myvar}{date}}}
In this case you have to use \defineexpandable to create your commands and enable expansion for sections. \defineexpandable\mytitle{...} \defineexpandable\mylist {...} \setuphead[section][expansion=yes] Wolfgang