Hi Peter, a similar question was asked not long ago ... and as it happens, some time before that even by me. My solution for ibid footnote citations can be found here: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.context/54129 It's surely not the "Chicago Manual of Style"-style but probably the "hardest" part of it (the citation repetition logic). The citation style related stuff is in the bibl-*.tex files and it should be possible to use for example bibl-apa.tex as starting point. Best regards, Andreas. Peter Park Nelson wrote:
I was just looking at the documentation for the Bibliography module and wondering if anyone has tried to implement the full-on Chicago Manual of Style [...] As an editor, this is probably beyond my technical abilities. Even so, if I wanted to mess around with this, where would I start learning about the internals of bibliography support in Context (beyond the documentation for the bib module)?
Thanks, PPN