On 2/6/06, PChot wrote:
Hi all,
I'm new in your ConTeXt club.
I installed livetex on my server and now i want to merge mediawiki with ConTeXt. And i also want to make, that <math> tags work too. I didn't find any help. Maybe i didn't search good enought. Can you tell me, where can I get some help? And if is all that, what I want, possible?
Have a nice day, Jan(PChott)
Jan, perhaps you weren't clear enough. I hope you don't mind if I explain your question once more. Jan is setting up some server for student-to-student materials and integrated (most probably slightly fixed version of) WikiPDF into it (http://aluno.no-ip.info/juca/index.php/WikiPDF). This makes a LaTeX document out of wiki syntax and processes it to generate PDFs. He was impressed by ConTeXt and wanted to: 1.) integrate something similar to <context> command on contextgarden while keeping <math> functionality (can be done in ConTeXt too, most probably no need to keep LaTeX) 2.) perhaps change the mentioned WikiPDF to generate ConTeXt documents -> PDF (perhaps that could be done via XML as well?) 1.) I don't know if his demads/intentions changed inbetween, but I guess he was merely searching for some more help about how to set up something like "wiki.contextgarden". Patrick, I believe that more people would be interested in that anyway. You already described once what people have to take care of, so that the system is not exposed to hackers, perhaps you can put on one page on the wiki what you did in order to enable <context> to work. LaTeX works by default(?) in wikimedia, while ConTeXt ... needs some promotion ;) 2.) I already heard from more people about such demand (you write in wiki & get PDF documents out of it, possibly composed from more pages). That would be an interesting project. Mojca