Hello, I need the background (lines and points) to be inside (tangent) of the frame, I don't know how to do it \startuseMPgraphic{fullheightbackground} fill unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth, OverlayHeight) withcolor "gray" ; w := MakeupWidth; h := OverlayHeight; draw (0,0)--(MakeupWidth,0) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor green; draw (0,OverlayHeight)--(MakeupWidth,OverlayHeight) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor green; drawdot (0,0) withpen pencircle scaled 8pt withcolor red; drawdot (MakeupWidth,OverlayHeight) withpen pencircle scaled 8pt withcolor red; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [fullheightbackground] [\useMPgraphic{fullheightbackground}] \setupframedtexts [background=fullheightbackground, backgroundoffset=0pt, frame=on] \starttext \startframedtext[width=\textwidth,align=left] \input knuth \stopframedtext \stoptext