Hi all, I'm stuck. I try to something like this: \def\CommandHeader#1#2#3{ {\framed[frame=off,bottomframe=on, topframe=on,align=right,width=\textwidth] {\tbox{\hskip14pt\indent{\type{#2}}\index{#2}\hskip3cm{\it #3} }} } \definehead[Command][subject] \setuphead[Command][command=\CommandHeader] \starttext \Command{{def}{Define Variable}} \Command{{tsolve}{solve differential equation}} \stoptext It's supposed to look like ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def Define Variable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ whereas "def" should be indexed and "Define Variable" should be indented... The document is supposed to become a program manual and I wanted it to look like this one: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/fullrefman.pdf How would you do the alphabetic sorting of the commands? Manually like the solution above or with something like "definesorting"? Is there a good way doing this? Thanks a lot Hubertus