Am 28.09.2010 um 16:38 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 28-9-2010 4:13, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 28-9-2010 3:27, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 28.09.2010 um 14:41 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 28-9-2010 2:28, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
I need it for building my own register by hand: when I have "Stichwort 6" and I want add the link it would be great to say:
"Stichwort 6 (\goto{6}[page(6)])" ... with 6 being #1 in a pagecommand, of course.
you can add this to lpdf-ano.lua and then use realpage(123)
function specials.realpage(var,actions) return link(nil,nil,nil,var.operation,actions) end
no, no, obviously the terms were mixed! sorry!! this is what we already had (the link goes to userpage 10 = realpage 6).
I need a "function specials.realpage", so the link goes to userpage 6 !
that's more work as we can have dup userpage entries
I'll upload a beta that supports
\starttext \startstandardmakeup no page \stopstandardmakeup one \goto{page 2}[page(2)] one \goto{realpage 2}[realpage(2)] one \goto{userpage 2}[userpage(2)] \page two \goto{page 1}[page(1)] two \goto{realpage 1}[realpage(1)] two \goto{userpage 1}[userpage(1)] \stoptext
great! st.