On 16 Aug 2020, at 21:09, Keith McKay
wrote: Jairo
draw unitsquare scaled 1cm shifted (xcm, ycm);
Page 11 of the manual metafun-p.pdf is your friend here. My recent conversation with Taco on this list will be usefull as well.
Also: \starttext \startMPpage % puts the center of the bbox of path p at the point t primarydef p centered t = hide(xshift := xpart t - (xpart urcorner p + xpart llcorner p)/2 ; yshift := ypart t - (ypart urcorner p + ypart llcorner p)/2 ; ) p shifted (xshift,yshift) enddef; draw fullsquare scaled 2cm shifted (50,3) centered (100,100); % just for reference: drawdot origin withpen pencircle scaled 10 withcolor red; drawdot (100,100) withpen pencircle scaled 10 withcolor green; \stopMPpage \stoptext (I thought there was a metafun definition for that but I cannot find it). Best wishes, Taco