Hello Hans, Taco, and the next gurus, sorry for bother with another thing I can not understand. Very high glyphs like \v S disturb grid in the \placelist. The same glyph in the common paragraph with the same (intentionally) interline setting preserves grid: --------------------------------------- \setupbodyfont[10pt,rm] \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt] \setuplayout[grid=yes,width=8cm] \showgrid \writetolist[section]{}{See the next line:} \writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba} \writetolist[section]{}{Another list line} \starttext \v Sejba\par Here grid is OK, but in \type{placelist}: \placelist[section] no! \stoptext ------------------------------------------ I was looking in definitions for some font-size dependent line setting, I also tried to \setuplist[section]{style=\baselineskip=12pt\lineskiplimit=-10pt} but without success to lounging on the grid. Can somebody help me, please? vit