for some time now I have been fussing over the volume of uneccessary (to me) informational messages spewed forth by texexec, in particular the long list of font scripts repeated sometimes 8 or 9 times. Since I don't even use most of these scripts I wonder why they show up on every pass of every compile. The --silent parameter to texexec should suppress some or all of these message, or so the manual says. But it doesn't. I get the same long list of messages, repeated over and over. Ideally I could suppress informational messages but keep the warning messages, per the traditional unix > and 2> output routings for sysout and syserr. But texexec does not appear to make the distinction. Routing all output to /dev/null is a trick that I use sometimes, but if the run errors off then it just hangs with no message. Are there any clever workarounds I have missed? Is there a setting somewhere in my texlive instllation that I can tweak? Should I do surgery on texexec itself? (Never fooled with Ruby, but there is always a first time.) -- John Culleton Able Indexing and Typesetting Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost. Satisfaction guaranteed. http://wexfordpress.com _________________________________________________________________ Need personalized email and website? Look no further. It's easy with Doteasy $0 Web Hosting! Learn more at www.doteasy.com