On 2012-06-05 Marco
2. I'd like to get crop marks, in this case short (5mm) lines showing where to cut the sheet, located near the borders, but *within* the printable area.
Since eight A6 pages exactly fit on one A3 page the crop marks can only be *inside* the printable area. That means with marking=on you'll see three marks in the middle of the page. When you also want them to show up at the page borders, you have to fire up MetaPost.
Or you can draw frames around the pages. \setuppapersize [A6,landscape] [A3] \setuppagenumbering [location=] \setupbodyfont [sans, 58pt] \setuplayout [nx=2, ny=4] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=cropmarks, setups=cropmarks] \definelayer [cropmarks] [state=repeat] \startsetups cropmarks \doifoddpageelse{}{% \setlayerframed [cropmarks] [frame=off, bottomframe=on, leftframe=on, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight]{}} \stopsetups \starttext \dorecurse{4} {\null\vfill\centerline\recurselevel\vfill\null\page} \stoptext I don't know why the frame is missing on the first page. Marco