On Oct 20, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
in lxml-ent.lua ...
function xml.resolved_entity(str) local e = xml.entities[str] if e then local te = type(e) if te == "function" then e(str) elseif e then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,e) end else texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\xmle{",str,"}{",utfupper(str),"}") -- we need to use our own upper end end
Thank you Hans, but that's not yet the solution. I still get the same error. I thought it might be related to the fact that I had the entity &hfill; in my titles, but even after removing it, I still get the error.
there has been quite some changes in the xml machinery; what exactly do you do with entities?
Well, I just map a few special characters and commands to entities. In my environment, I have \setupxml[entities=mkii] and then stuff like this: \defineXMLentity[smallspace]{\,} \defineXMLentity[percent]{\percent} \defineXMLentity[onequarter]{\onequarter} \defineXMLentity[threequarter]{\threequarter} \defineXMLentity[onehalf]{\onehalf} \defineXMLentity[textellipsis]{\textellipsis} \defineXMLentity[nbsp]{~} \defineXMLentity[hfill]{\hfill} Is there a different way for doing this now? All best Thomas