Dear ConTeXt group, I am trying to stack text and figures in the margin. After getting some help, I am able to setup the text just fine, the notes do not overlap. I am also able to stack figures, they also do not overlap. But figures and text does not 'know of each other'. They do overlap. I made a small example to show the behavior: % setup the page format \definepapersize[wissenschaft][width=170mm,height=240mm] % use the new page format \setuppapersize[wissenschaft] % shape the page \setuplayout[topspace=40pt, header=0pt, headerdistance=0pt, backspace=42pt, leftmargin=0pt, width=280pt, height=560pt, rightmargindistance=20pt, rightmargin=100pt, footer=0pt] %\showframe \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \definemargindata [margintext] [ location=outer, width=100pt, align=flushouter, stack=continue, % or yes ] \starttext This is a sentence.\margintext{This is a note in the margin.} Another sentence.\margintext{Another note.} \placefigure[margin][fig:one]{This is a small figure.}{\externalfigure[test][width=100pt]} \placefigure[margin][fig:two]{This is another small figure.}{\externalfigure[test][width=100pt]} \stoptext I also tried to do things such as \margintext{\placefigure...}}, but had no success. Is there a way to achieve a 'stacking' of all marginals? Andy