26 Apr
26 Apr
8:19 p.m.
\starttext $\k T$ \stoptext The above test file, to my surprise, compiled fine. [In Plain TeX I usually define \k as \kappa, but I had forgotten to carry over that definition.] The pdf output showed a T with little hook as a subscript. I can redefine \k as \kappa, but that might overwrite an important definition. However, I can't figure out where \k is defined. With \tracingmacros=1, the log had: \k ->\dohandleaccent {k} but lots of grepping in the context sources only produced: texmf/tex/context/base/mult-ini.tex:71:\def\k!prefix!{k!} \def\l!prefix!{l!} \def\m!prefix!{m!} -Sanjoy `A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.' - Bertrand de Jouvenal