Le 11/07/2005 17:41, Randall Skelton a dit :
I think I've found my problem (finally). The problem is in 'type-enc.tex' I referred to the standard text fonts for Fourier-Math-Letters and Fourier-Math-Letters-Bold instead of the true math fonts. I believe this is how ConTeXt is configured in its default... In any case, 'type-enc.tex' should contain:
\starttypescript [math] [fourier] [default,ec] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters] [futmi] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic] [futmii] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Symbols] [futsy] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Extension] [fourier-mex] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [boldmath,bfmath] [fourier] [default,ec] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters-Bold] [futmib] [encoding=ec] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic-Bold] [futmiib] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Symbols] [futsy] \definefontsynonym [Fourier-Math-Extension] [fourier-mex] \stoptypescript
Hmm... As I said, I don't know much about context. But consider that Math-Letters is an "operator" font. If you choose futmi as your opérator font, something like \cos will be italicised ! Now (one of) the difference between fourier and computer modern is that capital greek is in the "italic" font not in the operators font. This is handled in math-fou.tex: \definemathsymbol [Gamma] [alpha] [mi] ["00] .... Note that futmi, and futmii (or futmib futmiib) are two versions of the same font (same encoding): the difference is that in futmmii all is slanted (even greek caps), and in futmii caps are upright (roman and greek) and lowercase are slanted. If you want command definitions in math-fou.tex to be used even in boldmath, you must change type-spe.tex by referencing the fou math collection in boldmath too. -- Michel Bovani