I created a custom index that displays a list of "Important Dates" appearing in my book. It lists the year, a short description of what happened, and should show the page number.

I'm running into two errors though:

First, if the date is the same year, it is sorting alphabetically, example,,,,

\dateis{1900s+1912}{Yet another event happened}
\dateis{1900s+1912}{Another event happened}

...will print the wrong one first in the index..

1912 - Another even happened
1912 - Yet another event happened.

Is there a way to manually tell it to display one first? I don't want to add visible month and day details, that would be even more confusing to the index as I have to print it in American order.

Second, when it compiles it is not printing the page number, instead prints "[Entry not flushed]".

-- Joel

Here is my minimum working example:

\setupregister[listdates][style=sansbold, textstyle=slanted, n=1, pagenumber=yes]

    \listdates{#1~\emdash ~#2}%


\dateis{1900s+1911}{Some event happened}
\dateis{1900s+1912}{Yet another event happened}
\dateis{1900s+1912}{Another event happened}

\startchapter[title=Important Dates]
