Am 28.11.2008 um 10:59 schrieb Yanrui Li:
2008/11/28 Yanrui Li
: Hi,
Today when I updated the newest beta, I found that Chinese breaking lines failed. This is a simple test file:
%% \definefontfeature [zh][mode=node,script=hang,lang=zhs] \definefontsynonym [SongTi][AdobeSongStd-Light][features=zh] \definefont [song][SongTi at 12pt]
\starttext \song
天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者易易也。 不为,则易者易难也。蜀之鄙有二僧,其一贫,其一 富。 贫者语于富者曰:吾欲之南海何如?
\stoptext %%
The attachment with this mail is the PDF file which I got by compiling the example as above.
I noticed that the font-ini.mkiv was modified in newest beta (because I manage the beta with git in my machine). Maybe the problem is related to it.
-- Best wishes, Li Yanrui
I am sorry. I forgot upload the attachment. It is here.
I can't reproduce your problem, the output on my side is as expected. Wolfgang