21 May
21 May
1:10 p.m.
2009/5/20 Dohyun Kim
Lastly, current beta does not support subfonts contained in TTC (truetype collection). TTC fonts are becoming more and more difficult to find, but we still can find them especially in CJK world. It's quite simple to support them: just commenting out three lines from font-dum.lua
-- function fonts.define.get_specification(str) -- return "", str, "", ":", str -- end
Additionally, to be able to access TTC subfonts with "name:" method, a patch should be inserted into font-dum.lua as follows: if found then local filename, is_sub = found[3], found[4] + if is_sub then is_sub = found[2] end return filename, is_sub else Regards, Dohyun Kim