Restarting an old thread ... On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
What is the correct way of using * key with TaBlE? The following does not work
This should be [*{2}{l|}] but even then it does not work.
\HL \NC A \NC B \NC \NR \HL \stoptable \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC A \NC B \NC \NR \HL \stoptable
I finally found out why this is not working. \getTABLEnofcolumns does not expand *. For example This works fine. \getTABLEnofcolumns{|l|l|} \the\maxTABLEcolumn % gives 2. This does not. \getTABLEnofcolumns{|*{2}{l|}} \the\maxTABLEcolumn %gives 1 \getTABLEnoofcolumns is simply counting the number of | in the format. It should first expand the *#1#2, and then do the counting. A really ugly workaround \starttable[|*{2}{l|}] % Manually set the number of columns :-( \noalign{\global\maxTABLEcolumn=2} \NC AA \NC 5 \NC \AR \NC AAA \NC 6 \NC \AR \stoptable I do not understand TeX well enough to correct the \get\TABLEnofcolumns macro. Aditya