On 3/3/06, vittorio wrote:
I have rread the document on correspondence from ConTeXt site to no avail. What I need is a very small, working, complete example of a textmerge operation with context. Where can I find anything of the kind in the net? Thanks. Vittorio
You said that you did it in LaTeX. Perhaps try to explain what you did or what you would like to do that LaTeX didn't offer you. I suppose that solving your problem should be simple enough, but you have to tell a bit more about it: what kind of input data you have (from database, manually typeset?), what troubles you (for example if you don't know how to typeset certain parts of your letter, so that it will look nice, ...), ... There are numerous possibilities. In contrast to Word you have a magic keyword "\def" in TeX, which means that you can define your own commands and do just about every trickery with it. I don't know if I even understood you properly. Here's a very small ugly example of how you could typeset hundreds of more-or-less equal pages to be printed. It has no design, but you have to tell how and what you want before people can help you further. % start new page & supress page numbering \setuphead[subject][page=yes] \setuppagenumbering[location=] % here you have to define the body of your letter \def\TypesetALetter#1#2{% \subject{Dear #1,} You are invited to #2. \blank[medium] \midaligned{Vittorio}% } % define a special kind of a letter \def\PartyInvitation#1{% \TypesetALetter{#1}{a party next week} } \starttext \TypesetALetter{Alex}{join me on the trip on Sunday} \TypesetALetter{sister}{a very special event next week} \PartyInvitation{Ann} \PartyInvitation{Betty} \PartyInvitation{Sue} \stoptext For input you can also use XML, comma separated values (whatever is more handy for you), the design, content and input data can be completely independent ... But you have to be more precise in specifying your requirements & problems. People on the list are really friendly, but perhaps you asked too general question. Mojca