On 12 juin 2011, at 23:47, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 12-6-2011 9:15, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
What a lame excuse, “si” is easier to remember than “su” and even though the code isn’t limited to si units this isn’t a good reason to avoid the name.
I don't like \su either but I needed something that related to \unit (which is what I prefer) but the problem is that one then cannot us the m-units module at the same time. Well, I could save \unit when loading it, and one can wonder if they will be used mixed anyway so we might end up with \unit. We have a \m (inline math) macro and I'd like a one character one for units and digits and these could be \u and \d if we can assume that everyone uses utf (we could make them accent commands while dealing with bibtex).
…so why not \SIunit or \siunit?