I would like to use BibTeX files with ConTeXt, but I encounter a strange problem.
Here is my main tex file (test.tex) :
I have made a copy of the very famous xampl.bib in the directory which hosts test.tex.
When I run "texexec test", I get six strange error messages. Here is a part of my log :
system : module bib loaded
publications : loading formatting style from bibl-apa
system : module bibltx loaded
publications : loading formatting style from bibl-apa-fr
publications : wrote a new auxiliary file test.aux
publications : file test.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex
systems : begin file test at line 10
{vertical mode: \tracingstats}
{into \tracingassigns=2}
{changing \tracingonline=1}
! Undefined control sequence.
\dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage
{#1}\ifcsname #2\currentte...
\docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs}
}\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d...
<to be read again>
l.13 \stoptext
! Undefined control sequence.
\dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage
#3\endcsname \csname #2\cu...
\docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs}
}\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d...
<to be read again>
l.13 \stoptext
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \currenttextprefixlanguage
\defaultlanguage #1->\@EA \ifx \csname \??la #1
\c!default \endcsname \empty ...
\dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage
#3\endcsname \csname #2\de...
\docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs}
}\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d...
<to be read again>
l.13 \stoptext
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \currenttextprefixlanguage
\defaultlanguage ...faultlanguage \csname \??la #1
\c!default \endcsname \fi
\dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage
#3\endcsname \csname #2\de...
\docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs}
}\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d...
<to be read again>
l.13 \stoptext
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
\defaultlanguage #1->\@EA \ifx \csname \??la #1
\c!default \endcsname \empty ...
\defaultlanguage ...\??la #1\c!default \endcsname
\dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage
#3\endcsname \csname #2\de...
\docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs}
}\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d...
<to be read again>
l.13 \stoptext
! Missing control sequence inserted.
<inserted text>
<to be read again>
<argument> \edef {
\firstofoneargument #1->#1
<argument> ...ofoneargument {\edef {fr}References}
\endstrut }\xdef \localhea...
\@@ko::normal ...eadtextwidth \fi \noindent \fi #2
l.13 \stoptext
I must admit that I'm completely lost...
Thank you in advance for your precious help...
Thomas, from Paris, France.