Hans Hagen wrote:
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
what exactly do you want to replace ?
I'm trying to use the lpegs you have written for mtx-babel.lua, but instead of rewriting the greek ASCII stuff to a new file, I want to convert it to proper utf Greek and feed that to mkiv. As I said, it's a stopgap, but better than nothing...
if there is more demand for that i can consider making a substituter that operates on the node list in an early stage; that way it is controlled by attributes and there is no interference with macro definitions, reading modules and such
Macro interaction may be an issue, but I believe it is still better for transliterations to work on the actual input strings or on tokens. For example, you may want to run macros (like \delimitedtext) on the converted output. If I had to do this myself, I would probably work on token lists, even though it is quite a bit less convenient than strings. I remember we have talked about writing extended lpegs that work directly on token- and nodelists, that would perhaps be the nicest solution in the long run. Anyway, I am just thinking out loud. Best wishes, Taco