Dear posse, I am having trouble with footnotes. For an article, I want some footnotes to be symbolized by \ast, \dag, etc, but without affecting the numbering of regular footnotes. For example, the title of article may have a footnote symbolized by \ast, but the first footnote in the main text should still be symbolized by `1' (then `2', etc). I tried localfootnotes but I could not get them placed in the footer at the bottom of the page. [location=page] did not help. Related question: can't I just specify a footnote outside the counting mechanism with any symbol I want at any point in the text, without disturbing the regular counted footnotes? I'm also confused by the conversion key. page 93 of the documentation reads: "With the variable conversion you set up the type of numbering. You may even use your own character, for example an emdash (keyed in as ---Â)." But if I do, e.g., conversion={---}, TeX complains of course. What am I missing? Related questions: Where are the conversion keys set 2, set 3, etc. documented? How can I reset the numbering if I make local changes? For example, I am using regular default footnotes, then I switch to conversion=set 2, then I want to reset to the default footnotes without losing my numbering. I thought that [n=0] etc. might help but that key seems to affect the paragraph formatting of the footnotes, not the numbering. I tried using \start-\stop but that does not isolate the counting mechanism apparently. Fighting TeX is really frustrating sometimes, and I'm sure the answers are really simple... Best Idris