On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 2:27 AM,
A bit frustrated as I cannot seem to get a mswincontext scite combination going. I gave up on: http://pragma-ade.com/context/install/mswintex.zip. I got absolutely nowhere with the installation and trying to connect scite.
So, I just downloaded: http://pragma-ade.com/context/install/mswincontext.zip
After extracting to c:\context, I ran the file first-setup.bat, which proceeded to install a lot of files. Was this a correct thing to do?
Where did you get the first-setup.bat from? I assume that it downloaded a copy of what you already had to some other directory. It's not needed, but we need to fix some things in first-setup.bat (and rename it).
Strange, as the distribution size was already huge. It would really help to have a readme.txt in this distribution with installation directions.
After first-setup was complete, I ran cscite.bat. Scite opened. Good! I entered the usual test file:
\starttext Hello, World! \stoptext
And saved as test.tex.
Then I tried Tools->Compile, which resulted in this error mesage:
texmfstart concheck test.tex ruby: no such file to load--ubygems (LoadError)
Apparetly a problem with ruby. Try to follow Idris' advice. Mojca