Good Morning to all list members. I am writing a document with very long footnotes, and in order not to break (in the source file) the flow of the main text, instead of using the \footnote macro, I introduce the footnotes using \note[label] at the point where the call to the footnote should be placed, and in a separate place in the source file I write the text associated to the footnote using \footnotetext[label]. This works quite well and allows to create a more readable source file. There is, nevertheless, a small inconvenience, and it is that when processing the document ConTeXt goes numbering automatically the notes, attending to the order in which they are, in the source file, the \footnotetext commands. Would there be a simple way so that the automatic numbering follows the order of the \note commands, and not that of \footnotetext? Maybe something with \startbuffer combined with a counter? -- Joaquín Ataz López Departamento de Derecho civil Universidad de Murcia