Hi Damien, On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 11:15:08PM +0200, Damien Thiriet wrote:
mtxrun --script server --auto
mtx-server | context services: http://localhost:8088/mtx-server-ctx-startup.lua
mtxrun --gethelp --url=http://localhost:8088/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?command=%command% --command= "\definecolor"
When I run this, I get sh: http://localhost:8088/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?command=definecolor: not found
The first command starts a Web server that you can query with the second command -- or obviously with a browser, using the URL displayed (localhost:8088, etc.). In order for the second command to succeed, you thus need to keep the first one running. In addition, you need to protect the URL in the second command from the shell, like thus for example: mtxrun --gethelp \ --url='http://localhost:8088/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?command=definecolor' \ --command='\definecolor' Specifically, it’s the question mark that gives the shell grief. Best, Arthur